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Julia Gahagan

Julia loves making miniature quilts on a variety of themes - especially small, pictorial quilts with little villages and sea sides. Her quilts have been inspired by travel in the UK & the Mediterranean. She also loves Christmas themed patchwork & quilting. This is reflected in many of her designs for wall hangings, mini quilts, garlands, tree decorations and wreaths.

2020-02-25T19:14:05+00:00January 13th, 2017|Categories: Tutors|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Julia Gahagan

What sewing machine would you recommend for a 6 year old.

Question: Can anyone advise me on a suitable electric beginners sewing machine for my 6 year old grand daughter who wants to appliqué and quilt!  Help please!

Many thanks Answer: How great that you have the next generation so interested.   Two of my ladies have children also sewing and they have started them off with a small machine, around £100 I think;  if you buy something cheaper they will often not have the grown up options of applique and quilting - so you should check that she won't outgrow whatever you purchase too quickly.

2015-03-01T00:00:00+00:00March 1st, 2015|Categories: Community, Q & A|Comments Off on What sewing machine would you recommend for a 6 year old.
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