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Does the size of the stitch matter for hand quilting?

No it's the even-ness that  is important and makes it look nice;   want to know more then you should give a few minutes to watching the workshop given by Paula Doyle for heirloom quilting: click here: For larger stitches, and utility quilting then Carolyn Forster has given us a couple of workshops:  Amish Waves and Big Stitch UtilityQuilting.

2014-02-24T00:00:00+00:00February 24th, 2014|Categories: Community, Q & A|Tags: |Comments Off on Does the size of the stitch matter for hand quilting?

Mini Mosaics – can you buy the grid separately?

I just thought I would let you know that Paula now has this in packets to sell at £5 plus p&p and is on our site in the shop now: Mini Mosaics Grid Pack
the grid is for 1" giving ½” finished and 1 ½” giving 1" finished   If you are interested in seeing the video on Mini Mosaics with Paula Doyle click here

2014-01-30T00:00:00+00:00January 30th, 2014|Categories: Community, Q & A|Tags: , |Comments Off on Mini Mosaics – can you buy the grid separately?

Festival of Quilts, NEC 2009

Val:  what a fantastic show!  Such a wide variety of  traders with amazing products (and quilts) - workshops and truely amazing quilts - traditional/modern, artistic and creative, creations ranging from lingerie to vases, clothing to boxes.   There was a wonderful showcase from the young graduates which is reassuring as it means that our passion will be continued. The boys from joined Jennie and I on the Sunday and we managed to get interviews to Gail Lawther and her husband Chris;  Philippa Naylor, Karin Hellaby, Paula Doyle, SAQA, toured the Hanging Together exhibition and took shots of the quilts themselves.

2009-08-24T00:00:00+00:00August 24th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on Festival of Quilts, NEC 2009

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