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The Most Watched for 2014

Top 15 films in 2014 Midsummer Mystery Quilt Miniature Quilts with Julia Gahagan Hexagons with Carolyn Forster Owl Bunting with Jennie Rayment Courthouse Steps Scrap Quilt with Valerie Nesbitt Quick-Strip Childrens Quilt with Valerie Nesbitt Lily Block with Jennie Rayment Wrist Pincushion with Jennie Rayment Chicken Pincushion with Jennie Rayment Strip Pieced Diamond Quilt with Valerie Nesbitt 40 Minute Scrap Quilt with Valerie Nesbitt Hexagon Tree Decorations from Jennie Rayment Tucked Up band with Jennie Rayment How to Make  Secret Pillow with Valerie Nesbitt Your First Sampler Quilt with Valerie Nesbitt   Did you miss?

2015-01-09T00:00:00+00:00January 9th, 2015|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on The Most Watched for 2014

A wander round Festival of Quilts 2014

Over 800 quilts to see but helping on the Creative Quilting stand  meant that time to enjoy this was limited:  two of the winning entries that caught my eye was the Traditional Quilt category won by Philippa Naylor – stunning appliqué and free motion quilting. and the Quilt creations category won by an amazing grandfather clock  - so much detail that you would need a whole day to look at this properly; this category was sponsored by Vivebooks who are the publishers of a new E-book by Chris Porter entitled Sensational Circle Quilts.

2014-08-15T00:00:00+00:00August 15th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: , |Comments Off on A wander round Festival of Quilts 2014

Christmas Bears for the tree

Anna just loves to sew and couldn't wait to start on her tree decorations - good job Anna.       This comes as either a pattern or as a kit (Christmas Cuddlies Bears by Brenda Walker) and you can purchase your own!

2013-12-05T00:00:00+00:00December 5th, 2013|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Christmas Bears for the tree
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