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Changing Places Quilt for Project Linus

We do love it when we inspire you, especially when it's all for a good cause. One of our lovely members, Liz, wrote to us recently as she had enjoyed Jennie's video Changing Places and thought it would be ideal as a scrap quilt for Project Linus. For those of you not familiar with Project Linus, it's  a volunteer organisation. who provide new home made patchwork quilts and knitted/crocheted blankets to sick and traumatised children of all ages, and give volunteers across the UK the opportunity to contribute to their local community.

2016-09-14T00:00:00+00:00September 14th, 2016|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Changing Places Quilt for Project Linus

I want to make a cot quilt – where do I start?

You need to start with the fabric: some for the top, wadding for the middle and backing fabric; The wadding and backing fabric should be the same size as each other AND they should be larger than the top fabric, by approx 4" all the way round. Layer together with pins or tacking ready for quilting. see layer quilt and bind Click here: You need to quilt the sandwich either by hand or machine: if you plan to work by machine you have two options: free motion:  Jennie has a couple of workshops on the website - the first is free motion embroidery - but don't be put off by the title - it will help

and then the second is about free motion quilting: or using the walking foot.:  this is really easy to use as it is just another foot and just sews, but fitting it can be a bit of a trick, so here is some help:click here and then you can sew in straight lines or use simple wavy stitching as suggested by Valerie.

2015-03-06T00:00:00+00:00March 6th, 2015|Categories: Community, Q & A|Tags: |Comments Off on I want to make a cot quilt – where do I start?

Secret Pillow dilemma

Your secret pillow video is brilliant and I love it! Please could you show/explain how the front of the quilt looks regarding the seams that are applied to the reverse side to attach the pillow casing?  Do the seams show and overlap the existing quilting?  Should we try and avoid doubling over the seams?  I have made a pale fabric quilt which shows all the stitching very clearly and could look 'overstitched' on the top side if I attach the pillow case (that I now want to apply thanks to your lovely video!)  Many thanks!

2014-03-28T00:00:00+00:00March 28th, 2014|Categories: Community, Q & A|Comments Off on Secret Pillow dilemma

Rotary cutters

I was wondering if you could tell me which rotary cutters Jennie used in the fabric balls video?  My cutter needs replacing and I fancy one of the safety ones which become safe when raising the cutter from the fabric. Answer: I think Jennie was using the Trucut range of rotary cutter which has a groove in it and is best used with its own ruler;  however Olfa do both sizes 28mm and 45mm cuttter with a self-closing system, and these are readily available from quilt shops (but if in doubt you can contact Want to see the Fabric Balls video?  click here:

2014-01-05T00:00:00+00:00January 5th, 2014|Categories: Community, Q & A|Tags: |Comments Off on Rotary cutters

What do I do about the seams?

am trying to gather info on patchwork , am a sewer BUT am very confused as to press to the darker side ? press one row one way & the next the other ? or press open ?

If you can help please I would be very gratefull.
Love your website !

2013-10-01T00:00:00+00:00October 1st, 2013|Categories: Community, Q & A|Comments Off on What do I do about the seams?

What do I do about the seams?

Question: Good Morning
am trying to gather info on patchwork , am a sewer BUT am very confused as to press to the darker side ? press one row one way & the next the other ? or press open ?

If you can help please I would be very gratefull.
Love your website !

2013-08-27T00:00:00+00:00August 27th, 2013|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on What do I do about the seams?
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