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Filming date with Kate Crossley

Spent a really lovely day yesterday with Matt & Dave at Kate's house filming some of the great textile work that she creates;  We also got to take a long good look at the wonderful Grandfather Clock she made and entered into the Quilt Creations section of Festival of Quilts 2014     (thanks to Robert Crossley for the picture) - for which she won the 1st prize - which you will see was/is well deserved.

2014-11-28T00:00:00+00:00November 28th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: , |Comments Off on Filming date with Kate Crossley

Pizza Topping a success

I have just watched Valerie Nesbitt’s demonstration on making a Pizza Topping with scraps.What a very useful idea, I shall certainly be more frugal with my left over bits and bobs. Thank you, Ann Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your pizza topping workshop! Great fun. Jo and now Linda Seward has shown us how to create Confetti Applique.

2014-11-21T00:00:00+00:00November 21st, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: , |Comments Off on Pizza Topping a success

Linda Seward, London Quilters, Tracey Chevalier

What connects all three?  Well the current exhibition by London Quilters being held at the Swiss Cottage Libary  London NW3 entitled 'Coming Home';  Tracey was the guest at the official opening of the exhibition (see events page for fuller details  but it runs until 4th Jan 2015). were there with Dave and Matt manning the technical equipment and Linda played hostess round the exhibition.

2014-11-20T00:00:00+00:00November 20th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: , |Comments Off on Linda Seward, London Quilters, Tracey Chevalier

Thames Valley Contemporary Textiles

This group, that meets 4 times a year, were kind enough to ask me to give a talk based on my business experience in opening and running Creative Quilting, the quilt shop just outside London, which I founded back in 1989 (25 years ago now!) and more recently with

I went armed with lots of quilts, which in fact proved to be a social history lesson in patchwork over the last 50 years or so!!!

2014-09-14T00:00:00+00:00September 14th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on Thames Valley Contemporary Textiles

World Quilt Show USA Winner from the UK

Christine Porter is the British Coordinator for the World Quilt Show,  which takes place in the USA every year, This year she had 28 entries and she is thrilled to say that a British quilter (from Bristol) called Stephanie Crawford won the Best of the World award for her fabulous quilt, ‘A Chinese Journey in Three Parts’ - see below: She won $2,000.

2014-08-19T00:00:00+00:00August 19th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on World Quilt Show USA Winner from the UK

A wander round Festival of Quilts 2014

Over 800 quilts to see but helping on the Creative Quilting stand  meant that time to enjoy this was limited:  two of the winning entries that caught my eye was the Traditional Quilt category won by Philippa Naylor – stunning appliqué and free motion quilting. and the Quilt creations category won by an amazing grandfather clock  - so much detail that you would need a whole day to look at this properly; this category was sponsored by Vivebooks who are the publishers of a new E-book by Chris Porter entitled Sensational Circle Quilts.

2014-08-15T00:00:00+00:00August 15th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: , |Comments Off on A wander round Festival of Quilts 2014

Pleating Tulle with Benjamin Shine

British artist Benjamin Shine takes that tulle and proceeds to pleat, iron, and manipulate it into hauntingly realistic portraits that looks like photographs.     For more pics and info go to:

2014-07-31T00:00:00+00:00July 31st, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on Pleating Tulle with Benjamin Shine

Some comments on the Water Water Exhibition videos

We often cycle  along the Thames to Henley..shame I missed it!
But thinking on,it wouldn't have been the same without Kate's input,very interesting..can't wait for part 2!
And yes I remember The Oneidin Line too!!!!!!!
  Thank you for this.  I enjoyed seeing my quilt on the film – and thought you did a brilliant job of talking through all the quilts
Best wishes Rachel

Thank you so much for arranging for us to see the film of the exhibition.  It was a lovely reminder of a very special and successful occasion.  And you were a brilliant presenter; you knew each piece so well.....   Gill

Hi Kate

Thanks so much for this ........

2014-07-30T00:00:00+00:00July 30th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on Some comments on the Water Water Exhibition videos

Do you love Butterflies?

I do and certainly can't resist fabric that has them on;  not so keen on moths however.  Still follow this link and you will see them in a whole new light: North Carolina-based artist Yumi Okita creates beautiful textile sculptures of moths, butterflies, and other insects with various textiles and embroidery techniques. The pieces are quite large, measuring nearly a foot wide and contain other flourishes including painting, feathers, and artificial fur.

2014-07-25T00:00:00+00:00July 25th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on Do you love Butterflies?

More from Karen Nicol

Karen has had a piece of her exquisite textile work accepted for the Royal Academy Summer exhibition 2014!   Her name if Crystal and here she is:     Well done Karen;  and if you would like to see more of the Singerie we maade  a delightful video of them when we visited Karen at her home.   Karen also has an exhibition coming up on the other side of the Atlantic in New York - It will be at the Rebecca Hossack gallery 262 Mott Street, New York,
Between Houston and Prince Street
NY 10012, USA
+1 (212) 925 3500 running from 15th October to 5th November 2014 and  has the working title of 'On the Edge of the Woods' Here is a sample piece to tempt you:

2014-06-09T00:00:00+00:00June 9th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: , |Comments Off on More from Karen Nicol

Printing images onto fabric

I wish to make a cot quilt for my expected grandchild and would like to make some of the squares personalised by printing images from my computer onto the fabric. I see there are several methods of achieving this and wonder if in your experience you could recommend a tried and tested way. As this is for a baby, it will obviously be subjected to washing so the method needs to produce waterproof squares   Answer: As far as I am aware the fabrics that have been designed to go through your printer for use with your computer work well - and I am not aware that the brand makes any difference.   These should be readily available from your quilt shop (or

You could also use  a method which uses fixing ink - but that is a little messier - but used by the textile girls a lot and I think produced by a company called Electric Quilt (who design computere software) and I know is stocked by The Cotton Patch and possibly Art Van Go as well as they are great suppliers of all things required by textile artists.

2014-02-04T00:00:00+00:00February 4th, 2014|Categories: Community, Q & A|Tags: |Comments Off on Printing images onto fabric
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