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Janet Clare

With over 25 years as a textile designer and teacher, Janet regularly hosts talks and workshops, focusing on the design process and creative techniques she uses - - especially drawing with your sewing machine and free motion machine appliqué.

2021-02-11T13:49:10+00:00January 13th, 2017|Categories: Tutors|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Janet Clare

The Wordsmith by Janet Clare

Follow-up hospital appointments mean lots of waiting around so this time I took something 'nice' along to read;  well how understated is that - this book is fabulous; Janet combines delightful little stories about her life and the inspiration for her memory quilt,  with her line-drawings which makes this book very readable and memorable; THEN you get projects too! I've already mentioned the Memory quilt, but there is also the Alphabet quilt and then taking those letters there is the poetry quilt: hers  reads Warm Sighing; quiet settled but she gives you tips on how to translate your phrase into a quilt too - just brilliant!

2016-07-05T00:00:00+00:00July 5th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on The Wordsmith by Janet Clare

Hearty Good Wishes from Janet Clare

We had a great filming day yesterday and were joined by Janet Clare who showed us her wonderful new range of fabrics - inspired by her Hearty Good Wishes book; are't they gorgeous! Distributed by Moda - should be in the shops soon.   More to come - so keep watching!   Picture taken by Matt Bigwood  

2014-02-28T00:00:00+00:00February 28th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on Hearty Good Wishes from Janet Clare
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