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The Mystery Quilt seems to have been a great success

Here are some of the comments it generated: So excited for tomorrow! Hope I can sleep tonight:)   Deborah   I have my materials for the summer solstice quilt, and have booked the day off work too.  Regards Dee   I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed making the Mystery Quilt and very pleased with the results, although not layered up and quilted yet! Thanks!

2020-01-02T11:54:13+00:00August 1st, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: , |Comments Off on The Mystery Quilt seems to have been a great success

Marking designs onto a dark fabric.

Do you have a favoured method of transferring quilting patterns? I have a dark sashing and I am finding it difficult to transfer on to it.   Answer: Yes dark colours are always a challenge;   I do mention some options in the video Quilting Your Quilt

and it depends a little on how complex the pattern is;  if its a real stencil pattern then I would use Quilt-and-Tear  but if its a simple pattern try the Hera marker (or scoring with the back of your scissors)

2020-01-02T11:58:23+00:00January 29th, 2014|Categories: Community, Q & A|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Marking designs onto a dark fabric.

To sash or not to sash (your quilt)

I have just finished 12 blocks and i'm ready to put them together.
The question is 'to sash or not to sash'. Is there a rule?   Answer: Definitely personal choice but you might also be governed by how big you want the quilt to be;  and are you adding more borders?   In which the 1st outside sashing could be considered to be a border - see The First Sampler Quilt series if you want to know what I mean.

Also it depends on the block:  by putting them together do you get an interesting secondary pattern?   or are there more seams that need matching that you don't want?!?!?

2020-01-02T11:59:59+00:00January 24th, 2014|Categories: Community, Q & A|Tags: , |Comments Off on To sash or not to sash (your quilt)

Border Fabric need joining but where?

One of my ladies is piecing the top of a 9 block sample quilt..and because she has made her sashing a little wider..when she is putting her border on the it is shorter than the full width of the fabric by a few inches...she will obviously have to add a little but where would you suggest she puts this add on please?

2020-01-02T12:01:11+00:00January 24th, 2014|Categories: Community, Q & A|Tags: , |Comments Off on Border Fabric need joining but where?

Cats for the barn

After watching Jenny's workshop...had fun making this for my daughter Sara..the sashing has tiny mice on it to go with the cat's theme..Sara lives in a barn conversion! ..Lyn     love it Lyn - and hopefully there are only mice on the quilt!

2019-12-03T11:03:42+00:00September 16th, 2013|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Tags: , |Comments Off on Cats for the barn
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