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Bargello Tablemat/Runner

Thank you for setting the bargello pattern up for me. After having a look at it I had a play and made a table mat which then turned into a table runner.  Here is a picture of it. I shall do a demo of this on Monday evening and hope to get lots made to sell at St Michael's Hospice in November.

2013-02-02T00:00:00+00:00February 2nd, 2013|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Bargello Tablemat/Runner

Bargello from Jo Webb

I have attached a picture of the quilt I made for my final quilt when I did City & Guilds with Jenny Last at Windsor. I did enter it in the National Patchwork Championships in 2000 (the year I completed the course). It was also the year it was held at Olympia and I got an award of merit for it.

2011-11-05T00:00:00+00:00November 5th, 2011|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Tags: , |Comments Off on Bargello from Jo Webb
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