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Exciting new needlework kits

Val: We are very excited to announce three wonderful kits that have been designed by Heather Harrison, a graduate of the Royal School of Needlework, that we are being allowed to sell here on the site.   There is blackwork, crewel work and stumpwork - all three kits are Heather's own unique design and come complete with everything you need to make the project and, of course, excellent instructions.

2009-09-17T00:00:00+00:00September 17th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on Exciting new needlework kits

Royal School of Needlework

Jennie: An amazing day on Wednesday - Valerie and I went to the Royal School of Needlework. This is hidden away in a dark part of Hampton Court Palace behind a secret door - all very special. We were allowed to enter these hallowed walls and film the studio and classrooms - a real treat. And and and ............ then we went to the Sunbury Millenium Embroidery - an enormous embroidered wall-hanging made by approx 120 local ladies - a truly superb piece of work plus we got to see Hapticart - more about that later.

2009-09-15T00:00:00+00:00September 15th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on Royal School of Needlework

How to Layer your Quilt

A quilt is made up of three layers, backing, wadding and patchwork top (or a piece of  fabric) and this video takes you through the various stages of the process to make a quilt sandwich: The video also includes a brief discussion about the variety of waddings available plus the various products you can use for holding the three layers together prior to quilting.

2009-08-28T00:00:00+00:00August 28th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on How to Layer your Quilt

Annette Emms workshop

Val: We so enjoyed filming in Annette's house;  she shared with us her love of all things magic - fairy shoes, whimsycal pictures, felt balls and her amazing trick for transferring images onto fabric just on her kitchen table - a must-see for all you mixed media fans and its now up-and-running in the workshop section of the site.

2009-08-28T00:00:00+00:00August 28th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on Annette Emms workshop

Angela Madden and Barbara Weeks

Jennie: Had mad day yesterday filming Angela doing her amazing Multi - Plait and her Circle Slice. Angela did a great job on the demos and now I feel I could make a multi-plaited cuved slice of twiddling! Dream on - if I only had the time. Then we all repaired to local pub for lunch and off to Barbara's carrying cakes (made by Angela!) for extra sustenance.

2009-08-27T00:00:00+00:00August 27th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on Angela Madden and Barbara Weeks

How to Bind your Quilt

A small strip of fabric gives the finishing touch to your quilt and this video guides you through those steps. It includes discussion about use of the walking foot; simple quilting on the quilt, how to mark the quilt and a suggestion about the stitches you can use - again with the walking foot; you learn what seam allowance is necessary and, most importantly, how to create the mitred corner to give a perfect finish.

2009-08-25T00:00:00+00:00August 25th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on How to Bind your Quilt

Festival of Quilts, NEC 2009

Val:  what a fantastic show!  Such a wide variety of  traders with amazing products (and quilts) - workshops and truely amazing quilts - traditional/modern, artistic and creative, creations ranging from lingerie to vases, clothing to boxes.   There was a wonderful showcase from the young graduates which is reassuring as it means that our passion will be continued. The boys from joined Jennie and I on the Sunday and we managed to get interviews to Gail Lawther and her husband Chris;  Philippa Naylor, Karin Hellaby, Paula Doyle, SAQA, toured the Hanging Together exhibition and took shots of the quilts themselves.

2009-08-24T00:00:00+00:00August 24th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on Festival of Quilts, NEC 2009

World Quilts

Jennie: Am still in Manchester, New Hampshire, USA  at World Quilt show. Nice show with good range of classes, vendors and quilts to die for. As I was on the judging team, I had a chance for a real good look at the quilts. Lots of fabric painting and raw edged applique often covered in a fine net. Hand work is almost nonexistent although there were one or two whole cloth quilts beautifully done.

2009-08-16T00:00:00+00:00August 16th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on World Quilts

What a week

Jennie: I would never have thought that a week could go by and me not prattle on the blog! Tempus certainly fugits when you don't look. Had fab day yesterday as filmed Mandy Shaw doing some amazing Christmas stuff from dolls to other delights and then went to see Kim Thittichai who did hot stuff with Hot Spots - Wow - am I going to have twinkles and sparkly bits and not necessarily on my lizards either - you will have to hang on for that salient titbit (or is it tidbit?) until the film comes out!

2009-08-07T00:00:00+00:00August 7th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on What a week

Minerva Arts Centre

Jennie: Film crew went to Minerva Arts Centre in Llandidloes, Powys – fantastic collection of ancient and modern quilts. Just you wait until you see the quilt with 12,000 3/4 inch hexagons made by a 9 year old boy!!! Also the complete contrast with four very contemporary Welsh quilters. Then off to see very special charity quilt made by 49 ladies in Crickhowell. Wow what a qult - each section tells of the journey through a landscape either your inner toughts and feelings or a real landscape that inspires you.

2009-07-17T00:00:00+00:00July 17th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on Minerva Arts Centre

How it all started

In the beginning - Summer 2008: Valerie Nesbit (from Creative Quilting, Hampton Court, Surrey) dreams of creating a TV based web site devoted to Textile Arts. Jennie Rayment, nips and tucks, prattles and teaches internationally in her own little calico heaven August 2008: Seeds planted
Valerie finds a film crew and goes to Festival of Quilts, Quilt Museum in York and records workshops with several well known quilters.

2009-07-08T00:00:00+00:00July 8th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on How it all started
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