Coded:Decoded an Exhibition by Prism Part 1

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Coded:Decoded an Exhibition by Prism Part 1


An exhibition of textile inspired art and a talented group with members from across the globe.

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Coded:Decoded: Unravelling the message

This title was selected by the Prism members to reflect the many ways in which textile practice secretes coded and hidden meanings and concepts.

This group of textile artists likes to challenge the more traditional perception of needlework, textiles and art.

In this video we get to meet:

Catherine Dormor – chair of the Prism group
She has explored the language of cloth in its warp and weft.

Charlotte Sewell – is fascinated by the lives old ladies have already led, and her art is very revealing in many ways.

Jacquie Parkinson – her work reveals the names of long lost girls who worked so hard ironing in secret.

Bea Sewell – has again based her work on London and it’s history. Lots of little parcels reveal their secret.

Ali Brown – reinterpreted the title as a play on words and we get to enjoy silk cod floating in the breeze.

Susie Vickery – is fascinated by automaton and here we get to enjoy a triptyque on the sewing theme complete with accurate, but miniature QR codes in cross-stitch.

Julia Triston – loves to work with recycled underwear: here we have small pieces of wall art, but previously she made a Bra-Ra-Ra dress for the 4th plinth in London.

Judith Rowley – new to the group Judith chose inspiration from Sherlock Holmes and the Dancing Men.

Jackie Langfeld – loves to create 3D works of art choosing items to live together in curious juxtaposition, such as needlework with china with items from the garage, to great effect.

Judith Hammond – has used plastic carrier bags to create lace dresses (for display purposed only!) and manages to show that this inovative lace show is so much more beautiful than it’s mundane beginnings.

Diana Barrett – one of several artists that chose braille as her inspiration. With her glass vessels she explores the relationship between stength and fragility. And did you really hear her say that she puts wire into the bobbin of her machine?!

More About Prism

The membership of the group is worldwide. If you would like to be part of this group, applications are usually invited each summer, but you can find more on their website at

For more information of prism click here.


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