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New Subscription Web Pages

Some of you have noticed that when we send you an email about subscribing to the website, sometimes the webpage you go to looks a little bit different to what you expect to see at

The reason behind this is that we are using a new subscription system for fixed term subscriptions (ie 1,3,6 and 12 month packages) to make it easier for you to subscribe.

2016-09-23T00:00:00+00:00September 23rd, 2016|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on New Subscription Web Pages

Changing Places Quilt for Project Linus

We do love it when we inspire you, especially when it's all for a good cause. One of our lovely members, Liz, wrote to us recently as she had enjoyed Jennie's video Changing Places and thought it would be ideal as a scrap quilt for Project Linus. For those of you not familiar with Project Linus, it's  a volunteer organisation. who provide new home made patchwork quilts and knitted/crocheted blankets to sick and traumatised children of all ages, and give volunteers across the UK the opportunity to contribute to their local community.

2016-09-14T00:00:00+00:00September 14th, 2016|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Changing Places Quilt for Project Linus

Festival of Quilts 2016

For the first time since it started I was not on duty and took the opportunity to wander round snapping pics of quilts, catching up with people (sometimes literally bumping into them!) and shopping - what a great day. Here are a few quilts that caught my attention (other than those in the winning gallery of course! which we have posted on our Facebook page - click here) An entry from Kate Crossley (do you remember her stunning clock from a previous year?)   A detail of the winning quilt's stitching - amazing; however in the early years this would have been done by hand - no other comment other than to say rather than taking weeks that would have taken years.

2016-08-15T00:00:00+00:00August 15th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on Festival of Quilts 2016

What’s it like on a Retreat

Have you ever wondered what's it like on one of our retreats? Well now you can hear from some of the people who attend these fabulous sewing weekends. Why do they go? What do they get from them and why do they keep coming.... Click here for more details of our upcoming retreats in March April and October 2017

2021-03-14T11:12:33+00:00August 5th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on What’s it like on a Retreat

Filming with Sylvia Critcher

What a great day we had with Sylvia learning about her new book and seeing all the wonderful samples she made for it.   The book claims to have 10 projects in it, but the quilt alone has 9 patterns and then there is the winter table runner which I just fell in love with - full of snowflake patterns so great value for money - keep watching for the workshops!

2016-07-08T00:00:00+00:00July 8th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on Filming with Sylvia Critcher

The Wordsmith by Janet Clare

Follow-up hospital appointments mean lots of waiting around so this time I took something 'nice' along to read;  well how understated is that - this book is fabulous; Janet combines delightful little stories about her life and the inspiration for her memory quilt,  with her line-drawings which makes this book very readable and memorable; THEN you get projects too! I've already mentioned the Memory quilt, but there is also the Alphabet quilt and then taking those letters there is the poetry quilt: hers  reads Warm Sighing; quiet settled but she gives you tips on how to translate your phrase into a quilt too - just brilliant!

2016-07-05T00:00:00+00:00July 5th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on The Wordsmith by Janet Clare

National Patchwork Championship’s – Sandown Catchup

Took the opportunity to wander round the exhibition - see lovely quilts and catch up with lots of our contributors. Gail Lawther had her own exhibition of work on display - what a talented girl she is - and she has designed a new range of patterns - Enchanted Garden - which are now in the shop Nancy of Lina Patchwork was there too - and we picked up a new pattern from her - Daisy Chain tablerunner, which would make  a great little summer project.

2016-06-27T00:00:00+00:00June 27th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on National Patchwork Championship’s – Sandown Catchup
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