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Filming with Carolyn Forster

What a great day we had together with Carolyn last week and we have some really lovely workshops ready for editing;  Carolyn spent the day sharing with us her 'Joy of Sewing' and we have a whole series of workshops on how to sew patchwork by hand - a great alternative to EPP and not a stitch in sight! She also showed us how to design cable quilting which you can customize for your own quilt size; there is a super quick layer-cake bag and a wonderful woven scrap quilt too (see picture below).

2019-12-03T10:55:24+00:00April 28th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Filming with Carolyn Forster

Twiddling, Fiddling and some Magic too -A Weekend Retreat in Henley on Thames

What a super time we all had; there was sewing for two days at the Lady Sew and Sew warehouse in Henley and then dinner at the Red Lion Hotel in Henley followed by the hilarious talk from Jennie Rayment. The sewing schedule was, for me as a tutor, a little different in that I only had to prepare to teach for a one-day workshop - teaching half the delegates on day 1 and then the other half on day 2.  There was a little Magic 4 from me, and some Twiddling and Fiddling from Jennie and from the delegates point of view they got the benefit of both of us without having to move!!!

2017-04-25T00:00:00+00:00April 25th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on Twiddling, Fiddling and some Magic too -A Weekend Retreat in Henley on Thames

40 Minute Scrap Quilt – 1,000,000 views and counting…

We have some amazing news - Valerie's 40 minute quilt video has taken the internet by storm and has been viewed over ONE MILLION times on You Tube - making her our very own internet phenomenon. Some of you may have already watched Valerie's 40 minute scrap quilt video - it's an amazingly quick and easy quilt - that's great for anyone to make.

2017-04-21T00:00:00+00:00April 21st, 2017|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on 40 Minute Scrap Quilt – 1,000,000 views and counting…

Busy Busy Busy

Ann from Dorset has been very very busy and she's shared some photos with us of the delightful projects she's been working on. (Clockwise from top left) Ann's successful first try at this technique for her first grandchild. (if you want to learn how to make raggy edge quilts - check out our workshop with Gail Penberthy) Christmas fun using foam for the first time - a fabulous addition to any Christmas table, I'm sure you'll agree.

2017-04-03T00:00:00+00:00April 3rd, 2017|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Busy Busy Busy

Birthday present

Lyn wrote to us today to share this lovely table runner that she has just finished. It only took her two days to complete and just needs a label on the back then it is ready to be given to her friend for her birthday on Tuesday. What a gorgeous piece it is and a lovely idea for a present.

2017-04-02T00:00:00+00:00April 2nd, 2017|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Birthday present

Bumbleberries charity quilt

Here is the finished (top!) for the charity quilt Valerie was making with the Lewis & Irene Bumblerries fabrics - note the design change for the borders!     Want to make one yourself - click here for the video and the free workshop notes.

2017-03-24T00:00:00+00:00March 24th, 2017|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Bumbleberries charity quilt

More tumbler approval

  Thanks for the inspiration.
This was almost as quick to piece as simple 5 inch squares but more visually interesting outcome.

Kind regards,
Irene - want to see What it's all about? - click here  

2017-03-14T00:00:00+00:00March 14th, 2017|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on More tumbler approval

Tumbler scrap – Valerie’s new favourite shape

Here are two quilts and the original table runner that got Valerie inspired;           these were made using the paper template BUT since filming Valerie has found a template designed for use with the rotary cutter which is multi-sized - including for use with jelly rolls - so obviously there will be more!! want more info on  the template ?- click here

2017-03-03T00:00:00+00:00March 3rd, 2017|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Tumbler scrap – Valerie’s new favourite shape
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