Tesselated Zig Zag with Valerie Nesbitt

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Tesselated Zig Zag with Valerie Nesbitt


Valerie hopes that making this quilt won’t send you dotty, it’s easier than it looks.


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Supplier Justhands-on.tv

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Valerie selected 5 different dotty fabrics to create this tesselated zig-zag quilt.

The quilt is made simply from half-square triangle units, we won’t scare you with how many! Valerie cut 4.5inch strips from her fat 1/4’s, then she used either thangles to create the units or the EZ Easy Angle triangle, both of which allow you to make these units quickly and accurately, and using these products mean you don’t have to think about any maths.

The trick for this quilt is to pay attention to the fabrics as you select them for sewing, the rest then is easy.

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