TASTER: How to Use Stencils from Jamie Malden

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TASTER: How to Use Stencils from Jamie Malden

Jamie shows you how you can personalize any project by combining stencils and block printing.


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Jamie loves this sort of project which allows her to combine her love of block printing with stencils and then use some simple embroidery stitches, such as seeding, french knots, chain stitch. What an great and individual project you end up with!

Here she takes a very plain and ordinary towel and with a combination of all those elements mentioned, turns it into a really lovely, personalized piece of work. Don’t worry if there are splodges, they can be hidden and/or become embellishment opportunities.

To obtain any of the items that Jamie mentions, so that you can make one yourself, you just need to click here to go to her website.

This could be a great project for the summer to share with some of the younger age group.

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