S.A.Q.A. Textile Exhibition

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S.A.Q.A. Textile Exhibition


A wander round their Transformations Reflections exhibition

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A wander around the exhibition ‘Transformations and Reflections’ with Laura Wasilowski. Although the exhibit was at the 2010 Festival of Quilts, it is still worth a look.

To learn more about this fascinating group, visit their website:  www.saqa.com.

The Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. (SAQA) is a non-profit organization. Its mission is to promote art quilts through education, exhibition, professional development, and documentation.

She believed in the need to establish a place for art quilts in the world of contemporary fine art. Also, Yvonne Porcella sent 50 letters to artists and friends to rally them to her cause. This led to the creation of Studio Art Quilt Associates.

It was the vision of the founders to create an organization that would: provide a forum for professional development of quilt artists, promote art quilts to major magazines, museums, and galleries. Also, educate the public about art quilts, and be a resource for curators, dealers, consultants, teachers, students, and collectors.

With an ever-increasing membership, SAQA is gearing up to broaden the audience for art quilts even further. In addition, SAQA desires to be an even better resource and advocate for all members under the direction of its current Executive Director, Martha Sielman.

As one person said in the film, membership in this artist group allows her to maintain her textile friendship worldwide.

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