Make Felt Holly Leaves and Berries with Gillian Harris

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Make Felt Holly Leaves and Berries with Gillian Harris


Gillian talks through needle felting as well as how to make wet felt berries.

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In this workshop Gillian Harris shows how to use the wet felt, she made earlier, to create leaves. And in particular holly leaves maybe for a door wreath. She does have some templates in the back of her book, Felting Fabulous Flowers, but Gillian herself prefers to cut out the leaves freehand.

Then she moves on to creating the detail of the leaf veins and this is done by needlefelting thin strips of wool into place.

Finally, we move back to the wet felting process to make small red holly berries, which would be a great task to share with the younger generation.

If you like the idea of adding beads to your Christmas wreath, then Kelley Aldridge has another option – wrapping beads, that you can add in too.

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