Folded Freezer Paper Foundation Piecing with Paula Doyle

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Folded Freezer Paper Foundation Piecing with Paula Doyle


Paula shows how to entrench the foundation, but without having any papers to remove at the end.


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This is such a clever technique which allows you to work with the accuracy of foundation piecing, but without having any papers to remove at the end – so no mess; no distortion or tearing of stitches.

Paula shows you how to create a Dino Track block with this technique which uses freezer paper, printed through your printer, and you will need two copies – but that’s it!

Paula also mentions the Add a Quarter tool, which you can find in our website.

If you like the iron that Paula uses here are some details she has given us:

“The iron I use is a Prolux Heat Sealing Iron – it’s usually found in hobby centres that cater to frame modelling, but I’m sure if your customer Googles the name there will be plenty of places online to buy it from – it retails for around £28. If your viewer is from the States, then Hobbico does a Sealing Iron which is very similar, for around US $ 25.00. The reason I like the iron is because I find it a lot sturdier and therefore safer to use than the Clover Mini Iron. It has a bigger base, and a very pointy champered tip, which makes it useful for any size project. I also like the fact that it has digital controls, and a useful non-fussy stand.”

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