Creating Embroidered Flower Stems with Lorna Bateman

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Creating Embroidered Flower Stems with Lorna Bateman


Lorna Bateman shows us how to create a variety of flower stems with simple embroidery stitches.


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Lorna has designed and created a number of embroidery projects based on English Country Garden flowers. And now she has incorporated the techniques into her new book. This book will easily earn its place on your bookshelf. Plus it will definitely become a firm favourite for beginners and dedicated embroiderers alike.

In this workshop Lorna covers how to create stems for flowers and trees, using just threads. She shows us two techniques –  whipping and overcasting. These produce quite a different effect, the first is whipped over with backstitch or stem stitch, and overcasting covers your threads completely.

She also shares with us the top tip that she always uses a doodle  cloth to practice on before moving on to her precious project. This allows you to audition thread colour as well as thickness to perfect your stitch.

The other top tip is to use a waste -knot (which is in fact a quilters knot)


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