Yo-Yo are a great way to use up scraps of fabrics and Jennie shows how easy it is to make them.
Suffolk puffs are often used to decorate quilts and other textile projects. They are wonderful, simple and create a great 3D effect. Also they are a perfect use of fabric scraps. The ideas of how you can use them will impress you.
This has been taken from a longer video on how to make a Yo-Yo Caterpillar. So, you can find this video by clicking here. Also there is Yo-Yo Santa and lots of other available toys.
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3D | children | classes with Jennie Rayment | free | free class | free classes | free video | Jennie Rayment | quilting | quilting beginner | quilting classes | quilting tutorial | quilting video tutorial | scrap | textile art | textile art beginner | textile art classes | textile art tutorial | textile art video tutorial | toys | tutorial with Jennie Rayment(You can use Quick Links, which are also on the left hand side of most pages, to find more content on specfic themes.)
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