Personalised Quilt Labels

Personalised Quilt Labels

Learn how to make personal project labels automatically with Valerie Nesbitt and Jayne Brogan.



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Making a project label is a wonderful way to add a special, personalised touch to your quilt. It will also preserve the heritage.

Valerie Nesbitt and Jayne Brogan demonstrate just how simple it is to create a quilt label with the help of your sewing machine and a good disappearing pen. Mark the position, use a predetermined stitch or program with your own personal message, keep the needle on the line, and sew. It’s as simple as that.

This video is part of the #IDidntLikeToAsk Video series hosted by Valerie Nesbitt and Jayne Brogan.

Click here if you’d like to see more videos from the series.

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