Home/Tutors/Vendulka Battais

Vendulka Battais

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About Vendulka

Vendulka Battais is an award winning textile artist, tutor and half of the couple running textile studio OliVen in the heart of Suffolk.

Vendulka started her creative journey making clothes from remnants with her mum in the Czech Republic. She learned simple patchwork when she moved to the UK and was looking for a new hobby. From squares and triangles, Vendulka’s work evolved into quilting, embroidery, and circular patterns inspired by mandalas and dreamcatchers.

It was this growing passion which led her to start her own patchwork and quilting shop with her partner, Olivier, on the Isle of Wight in 2011. It’s called OliVen. In 2015, they moved family and shop to the village of Monks Eleigh in Suffolk.

Vendulka loves to make patchwork quilts, teach patchwork in the shop, travel to teach groups and demonstrate at shows.

Somehow she found the time to publish a wonderful book, Cathedral Windows – New Views, and win the Best in Show Award at Festival of Quilts 2021. This is what the judges had to say about the work: “a wonderful collaboration of design and workmanship. We loved the variety of feathers and their balance of glorious colour. A masterclass in the stitching of an intricate Mandala, together with precise use of the glitter liner medium.”

Click here to see an interview with Vendulka where she shares completed Cathedral windows projects using a folded patchwork technique with a new twist in a myriad of colours.


Signature Technique

Bringing embroidery into quilting

Top Tips

  • Glittery and metallic paint on fabric brings a project to life – especially in the dark!
  • Create an enhanced 3D effect on Cathedral windows with folded patchwork, padding, and a new colour twist.
  • Combine different elements such as machine quilting and hand embroidery. It’s a joy to work on and the result is stunning.


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Now we are one

Val: Well here we are August 1st and we have celebrated our first birthday; and what a journey! Hard work but fun and we have learnt a lot from all those lovely tutors on the site. Of course Jennie and I get first viewing not only at the filming but also at the editing stage and we hope that you have been just as excited by the workshops and tutorials as we have.

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What people say about us

Val:  Here are some really nice comments we've received so far: INSOMNIA! Who cares. With this site I am happy as a pig in muck!
Just spent a very happy couple of hours, it's now 3.20 am so will try the bed once more. Thanks for helping to keep me sane! Julia My 14 year old granddaughter is taking Textiles as a GCSE subject and she and I are working on several home projects, so I'm sure the new additions to my stash will widen her horizons for choice of fabrics.

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National Patchwork Championship weekend

Val:  Well what a weekend we had;   hubby and I were at the show at Sandown Racecourse, Esher in Surrey with our Justhands-on.tv hats on and it was such a pleasure to meet so many of you. I was also helping on the Creative Quilting stand - and boy were we busy there too, and then on Sunday I was there with the boys from Bizview.tv filming for the future - we met the new girls from Coloricious who make DVDs for the mixed media textile side of our business;  Claire from Hannah's room did a great workshop for us using paints and shaving foam - you need to see it to believe it, but really great; Jennifer Trollope came up with a very clever colour workshop to use up our scraps into a very appealing kaleidoscope effect and using pritt stick (or similar!) and we had a truely terrific interview with Jacquie Harvey who is a very talented handquilting artist and her christening gown won the overall Championship rosette as well as the Handquilting rosette and the Wearable art rosette.

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