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Daphne Morris

About Daphne

When her big sister was taught to knit for Brownies, Daphne insisted on being taught as well.  Aged 4years!  She hasn’t stopped since.

Her passion for knitting had her teaching her own classmates whilst at school, many of whom knit to this day.  At university Daphne helped several friends quit smoking by keeping their hands busy with knitting needles; there is always a good reason to knit in Daphne’s book.

A career as a teacher of French, English and Spanish followed during which Daphne taught many of her students to knit also.  “If you can follow a knitting pattern in another language you can make amazing progress in learning that language” is a favourite motto.

As a teacher helping out with school drama productions led to a foray into pattern design – ‘chainmail’ for Camelot for example.  Pattern designing continues especially with adaptations of garments for her grand-daughter and now can be found in kits at Creative Quilting.

Although knitting is Daphne’s longest-lived craft passion, she is a keen sewer and used to make all her own clothes. Also a keen patchwork and quilter, Daphne is proud to have worked with Valerie Nesbitt at Creative Quilting for more than 30 years.  Currently, she is trying to brush up her bobbin lace skills and is taking classes in spinning her own yarn.

Whichever craft Daphne is following at any time, she will always have a hand knitting project on the go.

Daphne particularly loves adding cables in her knitting for the texture and interest they bring.

Click here for watch an interview with Daphne and Valerie where Daphne talks Daphne shows Valerie a few of her favourite works over the last 60 years. Every piece has a tale to tell. 

Signature Technique

Adding cables to create texture

Top Tips

  • Use cables to add texture and interest.
  • French Knots are a great way to create black berries in your knitted piece.
  • Add lining to help keep your knitted garment’s shape.


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Julia Gahagan

Julia loves making miniature quilts on a variety of themes - especially small, pictorial quilts with little villages and sea sides. Her quilts have been inspired by travel in the UK & the Mediterranean. She also loves Christmas themed patchwork & quilting. This is reflected in many of her designs for wall hangings, mini quilts, garlands, tree decorations and wreaths.

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