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Quilt by Karen Nicol in the Habby Dept of Liberty’s London

Karen Nicol (one of our contributors) has a quilt now hanging up in Liberty's which you can all go and see; it's in the haberdashery dept. Here are some pics and more info:     To celebrate their 140th anniversary, Liberty's  chose Karen ,Lou Gardiner, Amanda Fatherazi, the Shoreditch Sisters and the Darlings to each produce a quilt. The shop was built from the wood of two ships so the theme for the quilts had to be sailors tattoos...brilliant!

2015-10-15T00:00:00+00:00October 15th, 2015|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on Quilt by Karen Nicol in the Habby Dept of Liberty’s London

More from Karen Nicol

Karen has had a piece of her exquisite textile work accepted for the Royal Academy Summer exhibition 2014!   Her name if Crystal and here she is:     Well done Karen;  and if you would like to see more of the Singerie we maade  a delightful video of them when we visited Karen at her home.   Karen also has an exhibition coming up on the other side of the Atlantic in New York - It will be at the Rebecca Hossack gallery 262 Mott Street, New York,
Between Houston and Prince Street
NY 10012, USA
+1 (212) 925 3500 running from 15th October to 5th November 2014 and  has the working title of 'On the Edge of the Woods' Here is a sample piece to tempt you:

2014-06-09T00:00:00+00:00June 9th, 2014|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: , |Comments Off on More from Karen Nicol

Filming day with Karen Nicol

We spent a wonderful morning in the company of this very talented lady;  she lives in Surrey and is a textile artists who has worked for some of the world's top fashion designers and now uses her talents to create stunning unique pieces from the objects she finds around her  - and in charity shops!   Here we are busy chatting over one of her 'lace skirts' which were in an earlier exhibition     She is however currently working on her Monkey Tricks exhibition entitled 'Singerie' - 5th Nov -30th November 2013 and at the Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery, 28 Charlotte Street, Fitzrovia, London W1T 2NA  
  To see more of Karen's work you can visit her website: (and she also the author of  a lovely book entitled 'Embellished - new vintage')   She is part of a very talented textile household as her husband (Peter Clark) works in paper collage: - you can see his work when you visit

2013-10-08T00:00:00+00:00October 8th, 2013|Categories: Blog, Community|Tags: |Comments Off on Filming day with Karen Nicol
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