Wrapping Beads with Kelley Aldridge

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Wrapping Beads with Kelley Aldridge


Wrap beads to create simple and beautiful embellishments for your projects.


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Supplier Justhands-on.tv

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Use beads in your embroidery

You can simple create Christmas with beads that you may have.

Kelley is a graduate of the Royal School of Needlework and now heads up the Royal School of Needlework Bristol division. For more information you can click here.

Artists Statement from Kelley Aldridge

My work reflects my passion for stitching by hand. I am inspired by the flowing shapes of the natural world as well as the amazing beauty of the human form. Taking great time and care, I create intricately stitched pieces using diverse materials. For example, silk and gold, linen and leather, employing techniques that are often hundreds of years old.

Historically, embroidery has always played an important role in marking significant events. And I hope that by exploring the symbolism and sacredness in everyday life today, this enchanting art form will find new opportunities and a growing audience.

I welcome private commissions from individuals or groups. Also I hope to be exhibiting in a some of specialist galleries throughout Britain in the near future. I also teach a number of traditional embroidery techniques as well as offering talks on various aspects of the art.

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