West Country Quilt Show 2018

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West Country Quilt Show 2018


We wander round the West Country Quilt Show with Valerie Nesbitt acting as our guide.

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We are going to start with wandering round the West Country Quilt Show, which we did a back in the autumn of 2018. And as well as nosing around lots of other interesting stands and displays and looking  at some of the remarkable competition quilts, we meet super-talented textile artists Fran Holmes and Virginia Crawford.

Valerie takes a wander round this quilt show and as well as enjoying the remarkable competition quilts. And there are lots on display using all kinds of patchwork techniques. She takes a look at various displays from textile groups and groups associated with the Quilters Guild, from around the country.

She also meets up with Fran Holmes who has an interesting stand that mixes corsets and serviettes. Once the serviettes have been stitched into they can be used in small textile projects, such as book covers and jewellery rolls.

In adittion, we get to meet Virginia Crawford. She explains her clever idea for marking embroidery designs onto dark fabric, using a water soluble paper.

Also, we will get to enjoy more of Sandi Lush’s work in part 2. And you can find Angela Daymonds’ book on our website.


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