Sew Simple Pineapple with Jennie Rayment

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Sew Simple Pineapple with Jennie Rayment


This is a brilliant idea of Karin Hellaby’s that Jennie shares with us.


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This is another of those clever ideas from Karin Hellaby and great for beginners too as you don’t need to worry about seam allowance.

Jennie has added an extra tip too just to help make it even easier, and take care when pressing – this is not ironing!

Both of Karen’s books you can find in our website – Sew Simple Pineapple and Pineapple Plus.

In the workshop Jennie mentions her flat bottom tote, which she shared with us earlier and you can enjoy that by clicking here or in her book Foldy Rolly Patchwork Pzazz, which is also available in our website.

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