Meet Dorothy Ritchie – an Inspirational Quilter

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Meet Dorothy Ritchie – an Inspirational Quilter

Delightful Dorothy shares her passion for quilting with us, despite her adversities.

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An Inspirational Quilter

It was a privilege to be able to meet Dorothy along with Jennie and Val. She continues to be a passionate quilter despite everything that life throws at her. She was anxious to share her situation with us all, and here, in her own words, is some of her stories:

I came from a very artistic family but found I could not draw. My art appeared in gardening and sewing, and I have participated in quilting for the last five years. Our teacher Lynn Quinne who is so inspiring introduced us to Midsomer Quilting, where I met Chris and Dee, who have become dear friends.

I have always been very fit, having climbed two ranges of the Scottish mountains in the Himalayas. When Borneo could not resist climbing Kotokinabalu, the highest peak in Malaysia. To my horror, It has been three years since I received a diagnosis of Motor Neuron Disease. I am now permanently in a wheelchair as I can no longer walk. I cannot speak and use a machine as my voice; swallowing is difficult. It is directly affecting my hands, making it difficult for me to be precise.

I am now helped by my lovely daughter, who sits with me, threads my machine, picks up my pins, and does all the packing collecting. During my progression downwards with Motor Neurone Disease, I have continued Quilting, encouraged by my quilting friends and Tutor. They even bought me a small sewing machine operated by pressing a button. Quilting and my friends have been an inspiration to a life saver and me. My ambition was to make a quilt for all my seven Grandchildren. Am I on my third any bets I will make it?

If you wish to find out more about Motor Neurone Disease, please visit

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