Jane Czaja starts off her series of crochet leaves and flowers with a simple orange daisy.
Jane demonstrates how to crochet a basic six chain and double crochet to form the inner ring. This provides a solid base for crocheting the daisy utilising, treble crochet and slip stitches.
Cotton yarn provides a stable yarn for the flowers resulting in a beautiful finish. Jane uses an Aran cotton for her demonstration. Explaining how changing the needle and yarn size can produce a variety of flower sizes.
A lovely handmade addition to any card, present or bag.
There are workshop notes for our subscribed viewers.
Jane also has a video workshop to make a pink daisy – click here to view
The pattern for this flower, together with 2 others and a leaf was designed by Jane Czaja and is available in the Shop at www.justhands-on.tv
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Accessories | crochet | crochet beginner | crochet classes | crochet series | crochet tutorial | crochet video tutorial | crocheting | double crochet | fashion | Flowers | home decor | how to create crochet flowers | Jane Czaja | online class | Quick project | treble crochet | tutorial | video tutorial(You can use Quick Links, which are also on the left hand side of most pages, to find more content on specfic themes.)
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