Japanese Bag with Carolyn Forster

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Japanese Bag with Carolyn Forster


Carolyn shares idea of bag creating. It has a simple construction from one rectangle of fabric.


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This simple bag folds up easily to store away in a pocket or handbag or purse. Then just unfold it, knot the handles together and your bag is ready to go.

Carolyn has based the bag on a typical Japanese design which she has tweaked to help you sew it quickly and easily.

You can make it as complex with a lining and top stitching, or as simple as you like, just one layer with no separate handles to worry about either.

It is taken from her Sew Jelly Roll Quilts & Gifts book, which you can find on our website.

Carolyn is a prolific quilter and author and to meet her and enjoy more of her workshops and products use the quick search with her name Carolyn Forster.


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