How to Make Perfect Triangles with Claire Campion

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How to Make Perfect Triangles with Claire Campion

Claire Campion demonstrates her time saving method to make perfect half square triangles.


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Many of Claire Campions patterns require a perfect half square triangle. Demonstrating the two and eight at a time methods in this time saving class. Additionally she suggests using a chain method to steam through the piecing. Whilst keeping the seams accurate with a quarter inch foot.

Claire’s use of trim tools shows how accurate cutting leads too a perfect Half Square Triangle. Overall an excellent class full useful tips.

Claire’s  patterns are also available in her Etsy shop.

You can follow Claire on Instagram with #colliderquilt and @madejustsew.

You can find out more about Claire in our The Makers Studio series, all for FREE.

If you are interested in the Quilt in a day ruler this can be found at Creative Grids

and the clearly perfect slotted trimmer by Kari Carr can be ordered through her brand New Leaf Stitches

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