Fancy Fandango with Jennie Rayment

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Fancy Fandango with Jennie Rayment


Parlez vous Patchwork? Jennie Rayment wants to know.


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In her usual fun way, Jennie talks you through how to make this delightful block. You can use it to create the sides and/or top of boxes. You can also simply use it to add 3D embellishment to your quilt.

Jennie demonstrates with extra-large pieces of fabric. But you can get the idea easily and you can make the blocks any size you like.

Jennie obsession is with ‘Nipping and Tucking’ – fabric manipulation and surface texture.

She is unique in her field and is now internationally known for her quick, simple, innovative and original techniques with manipulated material and her hilarious lectures with real ‘Strip, Show and Tell’.

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