Device Cover from Jennie Rayment

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Device Cover from Jennie Rayment


A great idea for protecting any device from Jennie Rayment.


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This project is a simpler version of the one that you can find in Jennie’s recent Sew Pieces Book. You can purchase this book in the website.

Jennie shows you how simple these are to make and how you can customize the size to fit any of your devices – there is also the option to turn the cover into a stand-up version too.

If you would like to use something a little more wash-friendly – you could think about Timtex (available through our website) which was designed as a stiffener to be sewn into bags and/or make 3D objects for the textile girls.

If you have a bit more time to incorporate patchwork on the front – why not take a look at the Ipad Seminole workshop that Jennie did for us.

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