Castle Wall Block with Carolyn Forster

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Castle Wall Block with Carolyn Forster


Carolyn shows how to create this block, which is easier to do by hand as there are many inset seams.


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A delightful, traditional block created around an octagonal centre, which can be pieced or cut as a single unit.

As there are so many inset seams, Carolyn shows you how this is easier to sew by hand. She creates the small units of squares and diamonds, and if any of the corner units are pieced, then they are sewn too, so that she is ready to add them to the centre.

Carolyn guides you through the sewing sequence. When you sew by hand, you can have the seams remaining free for pressing flat at a later stage and reminds you of how to pin your work.

If you have enjoyed this, we have several other workshops by Carolyn, also worked by hand, which you can enjoy by clicking here for part 1 of Church Dash.

And maybe now that you have this skill under your belt, you would enjoy the Mystery designed by Sylvia Critcher by clicking here.

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