Bargello Tablemat with Valerie Nesbitt

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Bargello Tablemat with Valerie Nesbitt


Bargello pattern is quick and effective and it is the cylinder method of construction.


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Bargello patchwork

The tablemat was very economical on fabrics – I used 2 ½” strips and in fact chose them from a 10 fabric strip roll.

And from my 10 fabric roll I was able to make 4 tablemats.

Obviously, you need border fabric, wadding and binding.

Fast Patchwork Table Mat

These tablemats are a great way to practice machine quilting and you also have the option of fast turning. Not sure how to do this? Well, you can watch this video on fast turning by clicking here.

If you fancy adding Flat Piping, you can watch this video.

Show & Tell

Jo Webb has shared a lovely quilt with us, that she made back in 2000 and it’s on the Show & Tell pages, so who knows where this little video might lead!

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