Amish Waves Hand Quilting with Carolyn Forster

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Amish Waves Hand Quilting with Carolyn Forster


Carolyn shares traditional quilting design that can be used on quilts both ancient and modern.


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In this lovely workshop Carolyn shows you a variety of quilts on which this traditional allover pattern has been worked.

Great for Beginners

She also shows you how to create your own pattern, from everyday household objects to use on your own quilts. It is an all-over design that works well with both traditional and modern patchwork quilts. It is also easy for beginners as, surprisingly, it can be worked from the outside of the quilt inwards, which is very unusual.

Usually worked in large stitches, this is a design that is also ergonomically easy elbow quilting as it uses our natural drawing of a curve rather than forcing us to quilt in a straight line.

To find out how to stitch utility stitches you can enjoy a Big Stitch Utility Quilting workshop with Carolyn by clicking here.

For other workshops on the site with Carolyn use the quick search Carolyn Forster or just click here.


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