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Mini Mosaics is a winner for Lyn

Hi Valerie...must share my good news....
after watching your fabulous videos & picking up so much knowledge especially the mini mosaics with Paula...I entered the NFWI Makower Quilt Challenge  'Summer Days' & have won 1st prize......       The theme this year is 'Summer Days'...we had to design &  use 50 % of certain Makower fabrics ( I used 100% as I didn't want to bring any more colours in).I played with the lyrics to Gershwins Summertime to suit quilters!

2013-05-31T00:00:00+00:00May 31st, 2013|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Mini Mosaics is a winner for Lyn

Lots of free stuff to watch

We have a wide variety of videos that are free to registered viewers dotted through the interviews, tips, techniques and workshops on the site. BUT you can access them all now through a new page 'What's New' which is located on far rh side of the green menu bar when you hover over  'videos'. or click here One of our most popular workshops has been the 40 minute scrap quilt - why not take a look.

2013-05-30T00:00:00+00:00May 30th, 2013|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on Lots of free stuff to watch

First Sampler Quilt Finished!

Hurray I have just finished my quilt.  I love it.  For me it looks fabulous.  I know I can improve in stitch in the ditch and quilting but as you tell us practice makes perfect.
Thanks a lot for your tuition and guidance.  
Joyce   It's lovely Joyce and yes you will always improve with practice, but we never seem to stop learning or improving!   Its a journey that I hope you will continue to enjoy.

2013-05-29T00:00:00+00:00May 29th, 2013|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on First Sampler Quilt Finished!

How do you do an applique flower with 4 layers?

This was a question posed to us by Sandra: and here is my answer:   The easiest way to do this layered flower is to put the first piece down - i.e. the largest, and sew all the way round; turn the work over and trim away the excess fabric (i.e. the background fabric) from beneath the flower leaving approx 1/4"  (if you watch the tip for the grandmother's fan you will see what I mean;)click here:

then add the second, smaller flower, turn the work over and again trim away the excess fabric;   and you then repeat for each of the layers - that way you keep the fabric from being very bulky and it is easier to quilt through - even by hand.

2013-05-26T00:00:00+00:00May 26th, 2013|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on How do you do an applique flower with 4 layers?

Iron Caddy Tote from Jo

Hi Val,
I made this iron tote bag last week, with the pattern (available from the shopping pages)plus the fabric from Creative Quilting, after being inspired by your piece on Just Hands On.     Thanks for your great tips - it was a fun project and has been in use twice already! Jo   Love the fabric Jo !  (a  print from Makower - the Henley Studio) If you want to watch the video she refers to  you can click here:    

2013-05-18T00:00:00+00:00May 18th, 2013|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Iron Caddy Tote from Jo

Embroidery (but not as I know it)

I don't know whether to feel inspired or depressed but they are VERY good. Hand embroidery by Cayce Zavaglia. Interestingly she thinks of these embroidered portraits as paintings - what do you think?

2013-05-17T00:00:00+00:00May 17th, 2013|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on Embroidery (but not as I know it)

What are you up to this weekend?

I see that Sarah Soward (of Pauline's Patchwork in Poundbury Dorset) is busy giving a Bargello quilt workshop;   Quilts UK is being held at the Three Counties Showground in Malvern and I am off to join Jennie (Rayment) and Wendy (Gardiner) at their Sewing Getaway in Dunford House, Midhurst. I am joining a class with Jenni Stuart-Anderson and she is going to help us all make Raggy Bags and Eco Rugs;  I have LOTS of scraps so am hoping she will be able to show me how to make good use of them.

2013-05-14T00:00:00+00:00May 14th, 2013|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on What are you up to this weekend?

Anna has a new hobby – needlefelting

Anna and her mum, Jo, watched the needlefelting workshop together and then look what Anna made:         Brilliant results Anna - well done.   If you missed the workshop click here: and to find other children friendly workshops use the Quick Links 'children'

2013-05-06T00:00:00+00:00May 6th, 2013|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Anna has a new hobby – needlefelting

Look what Lyn Made

Hi Valerie...loved doing these projects..     .decided to mount the clock over a canvas board for stability...Lyn   The Celtic clock is available as a kit through the shop and the Iron Caddy Tote you can watch the workshop video  and/or purchase the pattern again from the shop patterns section.

2013-05-04T00:00:00+00:00May 4th, 2013|Categories: Community, Show and tell|Comments Off on Look what Lyn Made

What you can watch during May 2013

Well we have 5 Friday’s in this month so lots to enjoy and we start off with Part two of the visit we made to the Great Northern Quilt Show in Harrogate back in 2012;  this time we are enjoying meeting some of the traders and catching up with what they have to offer as well as a very enjoyable interview with Susan Briscoe who is well known for her Japanese quilts.

2013-05-03T00:00:00+00:00May 3rd, 2013|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on What you can watch during May 2013

Filming in Ledbury

We had a brilliant day filming the Living in the Middle exhibition at the Weavers Gallery in Ledbury - it runs until Sunday 12th May -  more details on the events page; Lots of brilliant textile art by well known artists - amongst them Lesley Brankin, Edwina Mackinnon, Amanda Wright (the event organiser) and Hilary Beattie. the town is lovely too as you can see.

2013-04-30T00:00:00+00:00April 30th, 2013|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on Filming in Ledbury

Couldn’t Resist this Carousel

Carousel is the name of the pattern of the quilt that is featured on the cover of our Book of the Month for April - Simply Fat Quarters by the Sew Emma Creative Team - and I just had to make it.     The girls have used Fat 1/4's but I rummaged into my scraps and used left-over strips but with a consistant background fabric:     Plan to now have a go with all the blocks from the same fabric (they don't take long!)  

2013-04-19T00:00:00+00:00April 19th, 2013|Categories: Blog, Community|Comments Off on Couldn’t Resist this Carousel
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