Stitch N Flip Offcuts Project with Valerie Nesbitt

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Stitch N Flip Offcuts Project with Valerie Nesbitt


What you can to do with all those snipped off segments from your other Stitch ‘n Flip projects.


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Stitch ‘n flip is a very accepted form of patchwork. Easy to, as you just sew across the diagonal of the square, that you have already marked (or not at the case may be) to create triangles on the corners – often used in the snowball block. However, this does leave you, quite often, with a pile of triangles – feature fabric and co-ordinating piece. What do you do with these?

In this workshop Valerie gives you some inspiration and teaches how to make accurate half-square triangle units, which can then be useful!

Many of her offcuts came originally from her Rainbow Quit, which you can enjoy here on the site. And others are from the various Stitch ‘n Flip projects, which you can find by using the quick link/tag.

You might also like to see what to do with the little ears that also get cut off – maybe into Pizza Topping with Valerie or Confetti Applique with Linda Seward.

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