TASTER: Evolve, Evoke, Expand – an Exhibition by Prism Textiles Part 1

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TASTER: Evolve, Evoke, Expand – an Exhibition by Prism Textiles Part 1

A wander round the Mall Galleries in London to see this exhibition of mixed media textile work.

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Prism Textiles host an annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries in Pall Mall London each year. This year, we went along to see it. It aims to offer work of the highest quality to create awareness of the breadth that textile practice can extend. Also, to challenge the notion that textile is simply decorative and domestic in nature.

The group’s membership is worldwide and is currently 74 strong and no longer affiliated. Moreover, membership applications are now invited annually, with the closing date of mid-July. You can find more on their website at www.prismtextiles.co.uk.

The following artists are featured in this section.

In addition to being the group’s chair, Catherine Dormor served as the organizing committee’s chair. She is currently pursuing a practice-led PhD program. Further, her work considers the interactions, interweaves, and relationships evident within and between cloth elements.

Recollecting memories is at the heart of Monika Bruckner’s art. She draws inspiration from these experiences and thoughts.

The textile arts are of interest to Gina Ferrari in all their forms. She is especially passionate about machine embroidery.

Winy Smit-Vuijk. The work of Winy explores themes of motherhood, ancestors, and relationships. Besides being the Managing Director of Julia Caprara School of Textile Arts, Winy also offers a distance-learning degree program accredited by Middlesex University.

More Prism Textile artists will take part in Part 2 next month, including Julia Tristo. She made and wore the Bra-a dress.

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