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Dionne Swift

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About Dionne

Dionne paints with stitches to create dynamic, vibrantly coloured textiles. Her needle becomes her pen and thread her ink. The scale, emotion, and energy of her landscapes are inspirational.

Dionne is a graduate of Goldsmith’s College, London University. She has a Masters in Textiles from UCE. And she has been recognised by the industry for her incredible work, e.g. Shortlisted Finalist in the Fine Art Textiles Award at The Festival of Quilts 2020.

Now based between Yorkshire [UK] and Abruzzo [Italy], she exhibits and tutors internationally.

​You can watch Dionne demonstrate how to use free motion embroidery to create a range of patterns, textures, tones, and shades in an episode of The Makers Studio series, brought to you by Janome and justhands-on.tv.

Click here to watch Dionne Swift in The Makers Studio.


Signature Technique

Painting with stitches

Top Tips

  • Use a vibrant mix of thread weights, colours, and styles to build up a more dynamic texture.
  • A machine with an extra wide throat makes it easier to manipulate your piece.
  • Cover your hoop with fabric to give it more grip. You need the fabric to stay drum like as you manoeuvre it.
  • Drawing your subject first, with pencil on paper, can help improve your observation and knowledge of your subject – try not to work from a photograph.
  • Practice by stitching your signature to get started. Your muscle memory will help you.
  • Think of painting with stitches as an orchestra with the sewing machine, threads, fabric, hoop, and you (!) coming together to work as one.
  • Don’t be afraid of the machine. After a few hours of speed sewing it becomes second nature.
  • Try not to have a set image of the outcome. You are not stitching an exact replica. The result is where you get to. There is no wrong in there. Enjoy the journey.


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Filming at Bee Crafty in Huntingdon

Dave and Matt will be doing all the important stuff today but we have plans to wander round the shop and find out just how much crafty stuff Julie and Sarah can hold.   We will also be meeting up with some great tutors:  Gina Ferrari, Jill Adamson and Tanyia Haines - so we will be covering beading, free motion textile embroidery, twisted bargello at least.

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Great value patchwork

Many of you will have seen the  adverts for a new magazine that is persuading you (or trying to) make a patchwork quilt in what looks like 6" squares monthly over a LONG period of time.   Some bright spark has worked out that despite the cheap introductory copy the whole quilt will cost you £354 (yes you do get fabric in that price but even so!)  A spokesperson for the magazine says that they offer excellent advice -  well I think we do much better so with our many valued and high quality teachers from the UK sharing their expertise - and all for just £60 a year - GREAT VALUE I think;   Jennie and I hope you agree.

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New colourway for Rosebud Fayre quilt

Rosebud Fayre Block of the Month From Julia (work in progress) : - great job! Julia says: I tried so hard to get the same material as you for the block of the month but I couldn't find it anywhere. Somewhat discouraged I tried to find something similar but failed miserably. Half-heartedly I decided to try a completely different colour combination.

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