Tri-Tote from Jennie Rayment

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Tri-Tote from Jennie Rayment


Here is another great idea from Jennie that will have you rummaging into your fabric stash.


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This bag is fully lined and also expands to accommodate extra bit of shopping.

Made from simple triangles, Jennie guides through this great idea for another useful bag. The size is easily adjustable from just reducing the size of the triangle Jennie uses, and for the bag in the picture she has used 5 x Fat 1/4’s.

Jennie guides through the cutting and sewing sequence and talks through the pressing. Then she explains how to make the straps and gives a great tip about using the triple stitch on your sewing machine as a decoratie stitch.

Finally, don’t forget to leave a hole, you can turn the whole thing through!

This bag is featured in her book, Stitch Bits, about which you can find more information in our website.

Learn more about what else is in the book by clicking here.

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