TASTER: More Complicated Crochet Stitches with Gaynor White

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TASTER: More Complicated Crochet Stitches with Gaynor White

Gaynor White brings us another expert tutorial on crochet patterns, basket weave and cable.


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Gaynor White adds another great tutorial to our classes. This time it’s a comprehensive workshop on using chains, trebles  and front and back post crocheting to produce different patterns.

She demonstrates how to follow a crochet chart to create a basket weave pattern. Stitching into the front and back posts of the trebles makes an interesting pattern. There are tips for starting and turning the work, along with suggestions on variations.

Using another chart pattern Gaynor demonstrates how to crochet a cable pattern.

Check out the full video for copies of the charts.

Gaynor White check out her pattern designs on Ravelry

Check out the community crochet group Gaynor runs called The Barkham Hookers. 


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