Part 4. How to Use Thread in Your Machine with Dionne Swift

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Part 4. How to Use Thread in Your Machine with Dionne Swift

Dionne Swift has great tips and tricks as she talks us through the thread journey from spool to needle.


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Dionne Swift continues her Sensational Sewing Seminar Series with how she treats thread with compassion.

The journey through the machine is only part of the process. There are tips on how to relax your thread, where to place the spool and using a thread stand.

She explains the different types of wind on the thread spool. The importance of relaxing those threads before they go through the machine. In order for the thread feed through the machine to be steady, smooth and relaxed.

There are tips on storing threads, using thread nets for regulated speed and the reasons why we use all the guides on the machine.

The comprehensive explanation’s of why each thread needs particular treatment will lead to a smooth sewing experience.

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