Painting Landscapes with Valentina Brunn

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Painting Landscapes with Valentina Brunn


A delightful little textile picture based on a painted background.

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Textured Landscape

In this little workshop Valentina creates a delightful little landscape picture. It has a painted background on which you can add texture and depth with the help of hand or machine stitching. In fact once you start, you may not know where to stop!

Use flowers

If you have them, you could also add in some dried flowers and if you are interested in learning how to make the 3D tyvek additions – keep watching.

A Starter Kit is available

A starter kit which includes the felt, mount and Bondaweb is available through our website.

This is a comment from one viewer:

Have just viewed your stripey quilt “how to” and Valentina’s painted landscape using Bondaweb, and I am itching to have a go, I drove to my nearest stockist for Bondaweb earlier today through sleet and snow.

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