New Rotary Turntable Mat and Rulers

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New Rotary Turntable Mat and Rulers


A couple of new ideas that might make your life easier when cutting

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Rotary turntable cutting mat for Patchwork

Valerie doesn’t often purchase new tools. She likes the comfort factor of the familiar, but these two products do make her life easier.

The rotary turntable keeps you safe. It allows you to move the fabric into position easily and safely but without picking it up or turning yourself into a contorsionist. Not the cheapest item to purchase but then again, good tools are worth their weight in gold.

The Cutting Edge Rulers

This new range of The Cutting Edge rulers hafve a diamond powder incrusted edge to maintain your blade sharper for longer. One of Valerie’s students used it for a couple of hours and proved that is did actually sharpen as it went because she had started the day with a small glitch, which had meant cutting twice each time. There are 5 sizes of square ruler and 4 sizes of rectangle rulers.

Contact your local quilt shop for any of these items. However they are also available from Creative Quilting, just click here.

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