Meet Fran Rose – a Passionate Beader

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Meet Fran Rose – a Passionate Beader

Fran shares with us her love of beading to create jewelry, gifts, embellished bags and more.


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Beading has been a passion for Fran for a number of years now, and she shares this with her local beading group in Lincolnshire.

Over the years numerous patterns have been created, and Fran has now combined these into several books.

Project 1 book is entitled ‘Nice & Easy’, which does what it says, and Project 2 Book has the subtitled ‘Multi Tasking’, in which Fran combines the taught techniques.

In the video we talk about a delightful bracelet, which is a work in progress as far as the pattern is concerned, so watch this space!

She also has the delightful little book entitled ‘Frans Little Bags’. To enjoy these – use quick search beading.

You can contact Fran directly at


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