Meet Angela Daymond – Textile Dyer

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Meet Angela Daymond – Textile Dyer

Angela loves to work with plants, flowers and even vegetables to create her fabrics!


Skill Level


Using dyes from plants, flower and vegetables

Discover a whole new use for the plants and flowers from your garden and even the vegetables from your kitchen. Angela shows you some of the results from everyday items. For example, daffodils, tulips, onion skips and rosehips, that give her fabrics that ‘special’ color.

There is a degree of unpredictability as to the color derived from these plants and vegetables but Angela feels that this is part of the joy of her work. You will see how red tulips give her green fabric!

Talks, Classes and Workshops

Angela runs the Fenland Textile Studio which is based at Unique Cottage Studios in Spalding, Lincolnshire. The workshops at the studio cater for total beginners to more experienced people looking for new challenges and techniques. All workshops are taught in small groups. You can participate in the workshops at the studio or Angela can travel to your group. Talks are also available.

For more information you can visit Angela Daymond`s website.

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