Log Cabin Christmas Cushion from Lewis & Irene

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Log Cabin Christmas Cushion from Lewis & Irene


These blocks are made using the Small Christmas Things range of fabrics designed by Lewis & Irene

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Supplier Justhands-on.tv

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Sally Ablett has designed a range of quilts using the log cabin design; but in this video Valerie works on just four blocks. They could easily then be turned into a cushion.

Valerie talks about how to keep the block flat by pressing the seams; and also about sewing down the side with two-seams. This is a neat trick to keep you on the right track.

If you think you could like to learn more about the fast-piecing method for making multiple blocks without pre-cutting the fabric – click here.

You can download the workshop notes for Sally’s quilt by clicking here: Small Christmas Things

but you will of course miss out on the hints and tips; and there are two other quilt patterns available to the subscribed members.

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