Interview with Valerie Nesbitt

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Interview with Valerie Nesbitt

More about the plans for the TV channel from Valerie Nesbitt.


Skill Level


The idea behind is to share a passion for patchwork through workshops and demonstrations, and to concentrate on the talented patchworkers and quilt artists that we have in this country. Also to allow patchworkers to enjoy workshops and inspiration in their own home environment from tutors that they might not otherwise have access to at any time of the day or night that suits them and their lifestyles.

It has been and continues to be a learning curve – both on technology and habit. Computer can be a source of fun and inspiration, not just spam and junk emails.

Meeting such a wide range of talented tutors has conducted to be one of the highlights of co-presenting this tv channel.

“Any regrets since the last interview? – Not really but all this fun does eat into the time that is left for my first love – sewing.”

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