Interview with Hilary Beattie – Textile Artist

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Interview with Hilary Beattie – Textile Artist


This took place at the West Country Quilt and Textile show 2016 where she shares her inspiration.


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In this interview with Hilary (who is an awarded winning textile artist and quilter) we get to learn what inspires Hilary, how important it is for her to be creative and interestingly enough how she feels we should all allow ourselves ‘play time’ and also for some of us to give ourselves permission to be ‘messy and creative’ !

You will see that Hilary is inspired by the world around her, and in particular by nature and it’s colours. She enjoys turning these into simple sketches as well as final pieces of textile art.

If you would like to make your own sketchbook you can join Kate Crossley in a workshop on the site by clicking here (she too finds the beautiful purchased sketchbooks too nice to use).

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