This DVD follows on from the very popular “Inspired Embellishing – Level 1” in our Inspired range of DVD’s and is led once again by Myfanwy Hart. – sorry out of stock
This DVD is more suitable for someone who understands the basic techniques on an embellishing machine, either from prior experience or from watching our "Level 1" DVD.
In this DVD Myfanwy introduces felting fabrics together instead of just using felt and having mastered the simpler techniques such as lines and shapes in "Level 1" we progress into making pictures such as landscapes and textured surfaces.
You will learn on this DVD how to incorporate embellishing into mixed media projects by sewing onto the embellished material or by printing onto it using wooden blocks. This is another of the DVD’s produced by Colouricious in their Inspired Series.
If you have not used an embellisher before of are nervous using one we would recommend the "Level 1" DVD first to give you more confidence.
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