Embroidered Lavendar Bags with Kate Findlay

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Embroidered Lavendar Bags with Kate Findlay


The little bags or pincushions can be created even by children by using different techniques.


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Supplier Justhands-on.tv

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Kate is a teacher herself. She suggests that these projects can easily be accomplished by children 8 years and up. They will need some supervision as pins, scissors and needles are involved!

The little bags or pincushions can be created even by children using a variety and mixture of techniques. Kate talks about block printing as well as just cutting shapes from felt. She likes to use felt as this doesn’t fray and is therefore easier to use.

Kate has a great little tip when using pins to hold the shapes together – and then she takes us through the hand stitching where she uses embroidery thread, straight stab stitch, suggests chainstitch and maybe fly stitch and finishing with blanket stitch.

If you are interested in the Sissix machine and/or cutting templates, then Lady Sew and Sew has more information.

Also Kate suggests this would make a great Mother’s Day present. Otherwise, Easter and any other occasion will work just as well!

For more help or inspiration, click here.

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